Sunday, February 23, 2014

Pissed? What does one do when upset?

Hello everyone! I just had an experience with a person on an online group with an extremely tactful antagonistic person. I got angry due to the repeated "jabs" this individual takes at others. These others are placed in a spot of appearing as an idiot by this antagonistic individual. Now, I spoke up to this antagonist and, just as tactful as this person, I asked probing questions.
My point? I could just choke this individual! If this person were in the same room as me no matter HOW angry I get I DO NOT have the right to actually "choke this person"!
I am a recovering alcoholic/addict/schizophrenic/bipolar. Those like me are often afraid of and talked negatively about in a prejudiced manner!
Even at my worst I have never struck a person and at many points in time I have been picked on/threatened. Folks? I am a green belt in karate and can really hurt someone! One man who worked at a restaurant was just lettin me have it because I was having symptoms of hallucinations. I was not breaking the law, but acting strange! I admit it! I had yet to be diagnosed but if the man who was giving me hell knew what I could do to him he would have shut the Chuck up. Today, as I know my name is Chuck and 4/28/1984 I will celebrate 30 years in Recovery from the illnesses I list above I am, too, a free man and a model citizen...BECAUSE even tho I know how to fight I let the police take care of violent people. If people like me "act out" especially with violence we suffer greatly! Please! Everyone! Be peaceable unless someone does try to harm you or another, but please self-defense is the ONLY type of violence allowed in this Great Country of Ours! Peace, EVERYONE!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Having a dual-diagnosis and handling life's problems

Hello everyone! I have been in the general state
of writing novel(s) which describe how it was when I had untreated schizophrenia and am describing what it is like to go through years of psychosis believing these very convincing hallucunatuons. Now, I'm in Dual-Recovery and on Disability because handling my symptoms
are a full time job! My efforts to write is like working a second job...don't worry I enjoy my jobs! I have been involved in legal entanglements recently, nothing bad about me, but I had to go through the stressful legalities. My point? I had to go on hiatis from writing because I can only handle just so much stress! Now, the horribly stressful portion of me and the law are settled. People like me with a dual-diagnosis must "budget" our threshold of stress (much like budgeting money) because we can only deal with so much! Now, sitting here, my stress is minimal and I have the fortitude to perform my second "job" of writing! People like me must know our limits and arrange our daily activities to help us stay outta the mental hospital!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Suicide Thoughts Always Caused By Thought Mismanagement

Just yesterday I discovered a man online who was begging for help due to thoughts of suicide. As myself years ago I had experienced the same and was talked out of destroying myself. Since then I have talked over 15 people out of suicide. I attempted to make friends with and talk the lonely man into better trains of thought. He was wondering why people abandoned him and he had no love from a Miss Right! I got to get him to open up to discover why all of his lonliness and what's causing the result of suicide thoughts! The man promoted violence/overthrowing the US Government/fighting police...need I elaborate further! I tried to kindly point out these anti-social behavior/talk was probably the cause of his problems! He got hostile @ me and actually rejected my suggestion of seeking therapy! I don't know what else to do with a man like this except to point out he's heading to prison if isn't mindful of his behavior and I just left him alone!  What are we to do with such people? Maybe merely "plant the seed" in his/her mind that there are severe punishments from acts of violence and that on the other side there is loving help from therapists. He made no specific threats nor did I know his address, otherwise I was going to inform police of a potentially dangerous, derranged man! With my conversation with him was all I could do! Lord help him!