Saturday, January 25, 2014

Hello Everyone!

Hello everyone! My name is Chuck and I'm greatful to be in Dual-Recovery! You may ask what is Dual-Recovery? In order to be in Dual-Recovery you must be an alcoholic and/or drug addict and be:
- clean from intoxicating drugs and sober PLUS have a mental or emotional disorder which you must be in Recovery from.
Please understand "just" staying sober and "just" staying clean is extremely difficult in themselves, but when you add one or more mental illnesses this makes it all that much more difficult. Thus, I hope my blog may help my readers stay in Dual-Recovery or for loved ones of those like me or those who study Dual-Diagnosis bring understanding to you so to illustrate what it can be like for people like myself. I will include what I recall from my past to describe what it has been like for me and how I now behave and what wisdom I have to share to inform and encourage people like me to get into and stay in Dual-Recovery and continue to grow in Recovery. I would also love to knock down the wall of stigma between us who have mental illnesses and alcoholism and/or drug addiction and those "average" people who think odd of me or thinks I am dangerous or wierd because of my mental illnesses.
     My first day in continuous Recovery is April 28, 1984. And now I'm so happy I can barely stand it! Ha-ha!
Thank you,
Charles R Smith II

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