Sunday, January 26, 2014

Opposites Attract?

Hello everyone! I have been reading/commenting on the readings online so to express how the world of psychology is missing the whole boat on the nature of depression/psychosis/drug addiction/alcoholism and the onset of symptoms of such.

One researcher claims that research shows that only physical childhood abuse causes schizophrenia and that the mental illness has nothing to do with biological causes.

I couldn't believe my mentally ill mind! I asked this researcher about how, yes, I come from an abusive childhood and smoked pot/other drugs like pcp/cocaine/heroin/amphetamines. The point I make is that I remember having symptoms @ age 3 like anxiety and by age 8 or so I would be vacuuming mom's carpet and be carring on a conversation with a floor lamp by way of thought from my mind to and then back from the lamp.

Now, this researcher claims there is no biological side to psychosis, but is caused only by an abusive childhood. I asked, then, that if I neglect to take my antipsychotic meds why do I have horrific psychotic symptoms plus, why is it if I miss my night time anti-depressives then the entire next day I am depressed?

Now, if all of these mental illnesses are caused by childhood abuse why is my older sister, who
grew up in the same household as I, how is it she had what she called a "mystical, magically" wonderful childhood? She, 6 years older than me, has no mental illnesses/no drug addiction/no alcoholism?

It is my modest opinion that I was born with mental illnesses which voided any coping skills and my sister was born with no mental illnesses such that my hell bound life was because I am powerless over my mental illnesses and couldn't cope! Yet my sister is healthy because she has coping skills that "average" people are born with.

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