Sunday, January 26, 2014

Much Better, Thank You!

When first suggested, Recovery from alcoholism was said to be the only disease where upon Recovery it made the individual a better person.
Now with the addition of similar processes for achieving recovery including drug addiction a similar program sprouted for Recovery from a Dual-Diagnosis. (Not to be confused with "dual-addiction"). Recovery from a Dual-Diagnosis means having a desire to stay clean and stay sober PLUS have a mental and /or emotional disorder of which you have the desire to stay in Recovery from.
Much like Recovery from alcoholism  Recovery from Dual-Diagnosis makes a better person of the person who has achieved Dual-Recovery.
     As I now have 29+ years Recovery I am a model citizen and absolutely love it! I can actually smile and wave at the Police as they drive by and mean every bit of my smile!
     Folks!? I used to belong to a gang some thirty years ago and have sat behind bars! NO MORE! I figured out that as a Law Abiding American Citizen I can go anywhere and do anything I want! I'm loving life and am doing/living as I wished when I was first upon Recovery! I have arrived!
Thank you!

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